
Important notice / information from CPN board
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Post by admin » 08 Feb 2019, 10:25

Chinese professional in Norway has successfully hold the celebration of the Chinese New Year of the pig for 2019!

On behalf of CPN Board, the president of CPN, Dr. Xiuhua Zhang gave the speech by looking back the year of 2018 and wish all a happy new year. Mr. Fengming Dong, the canceller from the Chinese Embassy to Norway greeted all attendees for the pig year. More than 20 guests from Chinese Embassy, other Chinese organizations and companies were invited and joined the event together with more than 200 CPN own members and families. The greetings from Dr. Zhang can be read here.

About 14 of dancing, singing and treater programs made the party in warm atmosphere! Actors are from different countries and aged from 5 years old up to 70-year. 70% show was performed by young artists and children, some of them can be seen very professional. Their performance made audiences smiling and laughing……

February is often the season of snowing in Norway, which gives the celebration the tastes of Chinese New Year in China. The sun was shining for the party after heavy snow the day before, a very good symbol for the prospect year to come. The new year dinner was delicious based on the feedback from attendees. They were satisfied with the great show and small talks with old and new friends made there.

By taking the chance here, CPN would thank the following people for their contribution to the party:
Ms Kang Xiaolan and Mr. Chen Zhuang for being toast masters;
Companies Huawei Technology and DJI for their attractive premiums (3 Huawei Mobiles and 1 Dajiang drone);
Mr. Ma Lie for a Chinese Painting;
Ms. Li Li for premiums and Peiqi pigs and partially red envelops to kids and single young people;
Dr. Pingju Li and Yunyong Wang for his technical support and program design, Ms. Huafeng Zhang for the service at registration.

Not least CPN Board for their hard work and great efforts to held of the party, and all actors and attendees for making the event smooth and success!


张秀华博士中国旅挪专家学者联合会主席 张秀华博士代表CPN理事会致辞,回顾了 2 0 1 8年的工作, 祝愿大家新年快乐。中华人民共和国驻挪威王国董风鸣参赞代表王民大使所有参加猪年春晚的与会者拜年。来自中国大使馆、其他华人组织和公司的 2 0多名嘉宾应邀参加了活动, 并与 2 0 0多名 CPN自己的成员和家人一起观看演出。(张博士的致辞可以在这里阅读)

大约14个舞蹈、唱歌和戏剧节目使晚会在温暖的气氛中进行!50位演员来自不同的国家, 年龄从5岁到70岁不等。7 0% 的演出是由年轻艺术家和孩子表演的, 有的可以被认为非常专业。孩子们稚嫩的表演让观众开心的笑了……

二月,往往是挪威下雪的季节, 这给了庆祝活动增加了中国年的味道。前一天大雪过后的今天, 太阳出来了为晚会闪烁, 喻意来年的前景,是一个非常好的象征。 根据与会者的反馈, 他们年夜饭的美味,精彩的演出和与新老朋友的欢聚感到满意……

值此机会, 中国旅挪专家学者联合会感谢以下人士对活动的贡献:
华为公司和 DJI 公司和他们提供的超具吸引力的特等奖品(三台手机华为手机和一台大疆无人机);
李平举和王云永博士的技术支持和设计, 张化枫的注册登录服务。

不仅如此, 非常感谢CPN理事会和他们精心组织和策划, 感谢所有的演员和与会者, 他们使活动顺利圆满进行!


张秀华报道 (2019-02-06)
摄影: Sariwat Nannapat (


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